„Humor ist, wenn man trotzdem lacht!“ Zur Bedeutung und Wirkungsweise von therapeutischem Humor

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Published May 1, 2022
Markus Pilz


“Humor is when you laugh anyway!” — On the significance and effectivness of therapeutic humor.
Based on the significance of humor for various psychotherapeutic schools of thought, therapeutic humor is briefly defined and its potential functions are described. A differentiated and integrative approach accross schools is applied to concretise the effectiveness of humor in psychotherapy, which is linked to a personcentered and explicitly humanistic perspective. In the process, the role of therapeutic humor within the person-centered therapeutic relationship is discussed. Finally, this is viewed in relation to the three core conditions of person-centered therapy.

How to Cite

Pilz, Markus. 2022. “„Humor Ist, Wenn Man Trotzdem lacht!“: Zur Bedeutung Und Wirkungsweise Von Therapeutischem Humor”. PERSON 26 (1):33-42. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v26i1.2331.


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therapeutic humor, personcentered therapy
