Identifying Obligation in Legal Finnish and Swedish through English Translations: A Corpus-Assisted Approach A corpus-assisted approach

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Published Oct 25, 2019
Arja Nurmi Marja Kivilehto


Even though deontic modality is one central feature of statutory texts, codifying obligation, the descriptions of obligation in Finnish legal texts are still few. This corpus-assisted study of Finnish statutory texts has an innovative approach in using English translations as a starting point for identifying the linguistic forms obligation takes in Finnish statutory texts. Beyond describing Finnish deontic modality, we look at ways it has been translated into legally valid Swedish statutes, paying special attention on existing instructions for translators. The results show that, in addition to explicitly modal expressions, Finnish statutory texts express obligation frequently using the present indicative. In Swedish, there is a range of options, but there, too, the use of the present indicative is common. Based on this study, using English translations to identify such cases for further study is a viable option. The results of the study can be applied in translator training as well as in the work of legal translators.

How to Cite

Nurmi, Arja, and Marja Kivilehto. 2019. “Identifying Obligation in Legal Finnish and Swedish through English Translations: A Corpus-Assisted Approach: A Corpus-Assisted Approach”. Fachsprache 41 (3-4):142-58.
Abstract 379 | pdf Downloads 110

Article Details


modality, legal language, statutory texts, Finnish, Swedish, English, corpora
