Entscheidungsprozesse beim Übersetzen: Routine und Reflexion bei Novizen und Berufsübersetzern

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Published Nov 15, 2010
Friederike Prassl


This article focuses on the decision-making processes involved in research and knowledge integration in translation processes. First, the relevance of decision taking in
translation is discussed. Second, the psychology of decision making as seen by Jungermann et al. (2005) is introduced, who propose a categorization of decision-making processes into
four types: “routinized”, “stereotype”, “reflected” and “constructed”. This classification is then applied to the translations by five professional translators and five novices of five segments occurring in a popular-science text. The analysis reveals that the decision-making types are distributed differently among students and professional translators, which also has to be seen against the background of whether the decisions made were successful or not. The preliminary results of this study show that students resort to reflected decisions in most cases, but with a low success rate. Professionals achieve a higher success rate when making reflected decisions. As expected, they also make more routinized decisions than students. The professionals’ success rates improve with increasing cognitive involvement, while their failure rates are relatively high when making routinized decisions, an aspect worthwhile considering in translation didactics.

How to Cite

Prassl, Friederike. 2010. “Entscheidungsprozesse Beim Übersetzen: Routine Und Reflexion Bei Novizen Und Berufsübersetzern”. Fachsprache 32 (3-4):100-121. https://doi.org/10.24989/fs.v32i3-4.1393.
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