Der Einsatz von Neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (NIKT) als Unterstützung des Literaturstudiums und der Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten im Rahmen eines Seminars zur Personzentrierten Gesprächsführung an der Universität Ein Praxisbericht über ein medienbasiertes Lernarrangement
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The use of New Information and Communication Technologies (NICT) to support bibliographical research and enable alternative communication options within the framework of a seminar on person-centered communication: a real-life account of a media-based learning arrangement. This contribution aims at outlining the possible applications of e-learning for teaching the Person-Centred Approach (PCA) in a course within the baccalaureate degree in education at the University of Graz. A discussion of the new opportunities offered by NICT for the acquisition of communication skills is followed by a presentation of the various communication scenarios of media-based learning arrangements and of the different e-learning options. Against the background of the learning paradigms and instructional designs that are relevant with regard to the teaching of communication skills we will trace the progression of a media-based communication seminar which combines concepts of classroom sessions and online sessions in a blended learning arrangement. The presentation suggests the integration of some of the didactical design elements of this course into psychotherapy training programs, because the utilization of different information and communication tools is a prerequisite for internet-assisted forms of counseling, which are becoming increasingly important.
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E-learning, blended learning, new information and communication technologies (NICT)