Wenn das klientenzentrierte Beziehungsangebot am Ende ist: Die Helfer-Klient-Kollusion als Ressource

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Published Nov 1, 2005
Dennis Danner


At the end of the client-centred relationship: The helper-client collusion as a resource. The Client-Centred Approach is directed
to support the self-exploration of clients by a specific, humanistic offer of relationship, that they become able to overcome their incongruity. This offer of relationship founds the identity of the Person-Centred Approach. But our daily experience shows: we can fail on principle, then we cannot keep up this specific relationship.
How can we develop the client-centered approach as an original method in view of this limit, in order to deal with the demands of the clients and the professional helpers and to be able to compete?
This article presents a solution to expand the power of the person-centered approach even facing this limit: considering the common failure opens the necessary growth process. Within the collusion we can discover the access to the unsolved traumas on both sides.

How to Cite

Danner, Dennis. 2005. “Wenn Das Klientenzentrierte Beziehungsangebot Am Ende Ist: Die Helfer-Klient-Kollusion Als Ressource”. PERSON 9 (2):123-30. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v9i2.2866.


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Client-centred relationship, therapeutic failure, trauma psychology, therapeutic collusion, supervision
