Das Risiko-Erleben von Therapeutinnen in der Personzentrierten Psychotherapie: Eine qualitative Explorationsstudie
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Experiencing risk in person-centred counselling: a qualitative exploration of therapist risk-taking. With increasing emphasis being given to the importance of the relationship in counselling, this paper is based on an initial exploration of counsellors’ experiences of risk when bringing their own person into play, and the way in which these experiences relate to the quality of psychological contact. Qualitative interviews with eight practising counsellors were conducted using a personcentred approach. Themes emerging included the process of risktaking for counsellors, the process of reaction and response for clients and the effects on the relationship both in the immediate session and in the long term. Most participants expressed the view that the greatest impact of a critical moment of risktaking was to facilitate deeper levels of contact, usually described in terms of being more ‘authentic’, ‘real’ and ‘loving’. In a few cases the risktaking intervention led to a rupture in the relationship, sometimes precipitating the end of the therapy. The study also highlighted the interdependence of the types of interventions and the quality of contact. The author’s relections are also given.
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risk taking, selfdisclosure, personcentred psychotherapy, psychotherapy relationship, relational depth, qualitative psychotherapy research