Charakteristika und Besonderheiten von Supervision in der personenzentrierten Kinderpsychotherapie

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Published May 1, 2013
Gerhard Pawlowsky


Characteristics of clinical supervision in Person Centered Psychotherapy with children. The paper discusses the specific characteristics of supervision for person-centered child therapy as double affect attunement. Characteristics of person-centered supervision in the view of Carl Rogers and Anna Auckenthaler are given. The authors’ personal experiences, person-centered theory and results of infant research are summarized to points of reflections for supervision of person-centered child psychotherapy. In its mode of operation supervision has a similarity to psychotherapy, but is not identical. The first task of supervision remains the restoration of the competence of the psychotherapist. Using the theory of “priming” there article also discusses the topic of the transfer towards the psychotherapy of the child.

How to Cite

Pawlowsky, Gerhard. 2013. “Charakteristika Und Besonderheiten Von Supervision in Der Personenzentrierten Kinderpsychotherapie”. PERSON 17 (1):60-63.


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supervision, person-centered theory, infant research theory, priming
