Wie hilft Spiritualität bei Sucht? Ansätze aus der Praxis

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Published Nov 1, 2013
Martin Steiner


How does spirituality help fighting addiction? Practical approaches. Since 2007 the Klinik Südhang has been offering a form of therapy that involves spiritual aspects. The concept that underlies this offer constitutes an independent access to the topics of spirituality and addiction. In this article, the spiritual-therapeutic work is described in relation to the person-centered approach. The first step is to find out about the spirituality of a patient when they first arrive at the clinic. Spirituality and especially meditation answer to the very same needs and desires which addicts seek to satisfy by using alcohol or drugs. Spirituality represents a support in addiction therapy especially if it is addressed in a professional way. It is a way to find inner peace and happiness and can thereby reduce the urge to get high.

How to Cite

Steiner, Martin. 2013. “Wie Hilft Spiritualität Bei Sucht? Ansätze Aus Der Praxis”. PERSON 17 (2):139-45. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v17i2.2592.


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spirituality, addiction, meditation, soul
