Der Personzentrierte Ansatz nach Carl R. Rogers – eine Utopie?
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The person-centered approach by Carl R. Rogers – a utopian construct? This thesis attends to discuss the link between aspects of the person-centered approach by Carl R. Rogers and utopian constructs. Resting upon the leading research question: “To what extent does the person-centered approach own utopian features?” the visions and drafts of Rogers will be submitted a scrutinized consideration. Therefore the whole approach will be subdivided into three parts – into individual, pedagogical and social, political theories – where Rogers called for innovations and changes based on humanistic ideals. For that purpose a preceding involvement with the term utopia is indispensable to get a better insight of this phenomenon. Finally there will be a synopsis of the person-centered theories to evaluate the implications of the Rogerian approach till the present day.
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Person Centered Approach, Utopia, Carl Rogers, New World, Peace, Crisis of Identity