Erotisches Erleben von Klientenzentrierten Psychotherapeutinnen im psychotherapeutischen Prozess

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Published Nov 1, 2015
Barbara Zach


Erotic experience of client-centered therapists in the process of psychotherapy is the main interest of this study. The theoretical part deals with the concept of congruence in its variety from Carl R. Rogers to recent understandings. The empirical study describes the attitudes towards and understandings of erotic feelings of client-centered psychotherapists, especially the way of recognizing and working with them. The outcome of the study leads to implications not only for the work but also for the professional training of psychotherapists.

How to Cite

Zach, Barbara. 2015. “Erotisches Erleben Von Klientenzentrierten Psychotherapeutinnen Im Psychotherapeutischen Prozess”. PERSON 19 (2):117-32.


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Therapists’ erotic experience, congruence, handling, professional training
