Personzentrierte Familientherapie

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Published May 1, 2017
Trosten Ziebertz Maria Lieb


Person-centered family therapy. This article provides theoretical and practical reflections of person-centered family therapy. After a short overview of german and american approaches to person-centered family therapy, it will be shown on the basis of a research study, that person-centered counselors and therapists experience a lack of person-centered theory for their field of work with families. The authors present framework conditions that are very fundamental in family theory by contrast to individual therapy: the transparency of structures, the context of counseling, the setting and the co-therapy. Family therapy demands a more practical and far-reaching procedure than what Rogers said about conditions. A possible approach could be what the authors developed: the „Differential Interventions“. They include revealing the consequences of behavior, indirect communication, setting of limits and therapeutic creation of relationship with the children and adolescents.

How to Cite

Ziebertz, Trosten, and Maria Lieb. 2017. “Personzentrierte Familientherapie”. PERSON 21 (1):34-41.


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person-centered family therapy, family theory, differential intervention, family- feedback- model
