Personzentriertes und Experienzielles Verständnis triadischer Psychotherapie Die Rolle der Dolmetscher*in und Aspekte der Beziehung zwischen Psychotherapeut*in und Dolmetscher*in
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Person-centered and experiential approach to triadic psychotherapy. The role of the interpreter and aspects of the psychotherapist-interpreter-relationship. Psychotherapists and interpreters increasingly find themselves in a triadic setting, without having been sufficiently prepared for it in their standard curricula. This paper introduces a person-centered and experiential understanding of the interpreter’s role as well as initial reflections on how to deal with the triadic setting. The triad is being defined as a distinct setting, instead of being compared with the usual dyad, as is usually still the case in theory and practice. The approach is interdisciplinary, linking insights of translation studies with person-centered and experiential attitudes.
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use of interpreters’ services, triadic setting, person-centered approach, experiential approach, translation studies