Leben in der Trauer entdecken Personzentrierte Begleitung von Menschen nach Verlusten

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Published Nov 1, 2019
Ulrike Backhaus


Discover life in grief — person centered company of persons after loss. Grief is a natural process that humans use to cope with different types of loss. In Germanic countries there is still little discussion about grief in the field of counselling and psychotherapy. The person-centered approach with its focus on therapist congruence, acceptance (unconditional positive regard), and empathic understanding is very appropriate to support human beings in crisis situations. It is the goal of this text to introduce mental practitioners and counsellors to the theme of grief, both on a theoretical and practical level, and to present person-centric
work in the field. Also it will be discussed complicated grief processes, which will be included as a diagnosis into the ICD 11, the new International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization. This affects a minority of people experiences grief.

How to Cite

Backhaus, Ulrike. 2019. “Leben in Der Trauer Entdecken : Personzentrierte Begleitung Von Menschen Nach Verlusten”. PERSON 23 (2):103-9. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v23i2.2397.


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Grieving Process, Tasks of Mourning, Existential Perspective in Person-Centered Approach, Continuing Bonds, Prolonged Grief Disorder
