How to Stop Digitalization - An E-Government Pilot Project Case Study

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Published Jul 12, 2018
Birgit Schenk Tobias Giesebrecht


Pilot projects are a means of learning whether the promises of an E-Government-innovation hold true. We analyze the case of an unsuccessful E-Government pilot projects for patterns of obstructive behaviour and their justifications. The identified patterns can serve as early warning signs for endangered pilot projects. Furthermore we use them to deduce recommendations for improving the innovation-readiness of public administrations.

How to Cite

Schenk, Birgit, and Tobias Giesebrecht. 2018. “How to Stop Digitalization - An E-Government Pilot Project Case Study”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 331 (July):239-50.


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e-government, innovation project, early warning signs, pilot projects, public administration


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