Critical success factors of teaching information systems and accounting as an integrated programme

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Published Mar 17, 2022
Vencel Kis Elvira Böcskei András Nemeslaki


This paper has been written as a part of an international educational development project deployed in Germany, Moldova and Austria. In this context we explored through two cases how students can be taught at university level for the use of Enterprise Resource Planning and accounting by using an integrated approach. We identified four success criteria to deploy such a program, and systematically analyzed them in a Hungarian and German setting. Our findings confirmed that the role of instructors, the educational background of students, robustness of technology (hardware and software) and the physical facilities all contribute to the efficiency of the learning experience.

How to Cite

Kis, Vencel, Elvira Böcskei, and András Nemeslaki. 2022. “Critical Success Factors of Teaching Information Systems and Accounting As an Integrated Programme”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 335 (March):199-210.


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