Design of a web-based learning model: Shifting the accent from knowledge transmission to knowledge construction

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Published Mar 17, 2022
Tatiana Chiriac


The aim of this work is to design a web-based learning model using learning techniques based on knowledge construction in order to increase learners’ competency in higher education.

Since knowledge is under a change as a result of improvements in the technology, the learning approaches that levitate around students’ learning activities could be considerably improved by web-based learning environments that switched education from knowledge transmission to knowledge construction. In addition to the development of learning patterns, educational technologies are constantly expanding. Changes produced by universities, course content, quality assurance, educational leadership, cultural and ethical occurrences have to be considered in the development of web-based learning in order to meet their requirements. But even now, much of the web-based learning environments are accomplished without embedding pedagogical considerations based on learning issues and learner-centred paradigm.

This paper analyses and states the principles that could be implemented in a web-based learning model relying on the combination of various aspects of e-learning strategies, pedagogical insights, as well managerial and technological techniques. The key point is the cognitive change that shapes learning behaviour from simple information transmission to a constructivist way. Acting as a present-day educational framework of approaches for effective web-based learning, the research presents a set of steps following the exploration of instructional context concerning learning theories and pedagogical principles of the web-based learning paradigm.

The approaches investigated by this research are settled on the base of specific references, European recommendations, theoretical researches regarding the vision of web-based learning environments, and literature relevant case studies. The paper proposes that, as a part of the shared technology environment, more attention need to be concentrated on developing and reinforcing the collaborative and constructive web-based learning system in higher education. As well, the author brings out the lack of the researches regarding web-based learning applied in higher education of the Republic of Moldova and proposes a particular and modern web-based learning paradigm.

How to Cite

Chiriac, Tatiana. 2022. “Design of a Web-Based Learning Model: Shifting the Accent from Knowledge Transmission to Knowledge Construction”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 335 (March):177-88.


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web-based learning, knowledge construction, collaborative learning, constructivist approach, web-based learning paradigm
