Cybersecurity in the V4 Countries – A cross-border case study

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Published Mar 17, 2022
Anita Tikos Csaba Krasznay


Information sharing is one of the major issues in cybersecurity nowadays. Although it is essential for all players in the cyberspace to get relevant information on the latest threats but giving such threat intelligence for others is not as easy as it seems. Obviously, there are national rules and regulations that make this difficult, but the lack of trust between the different entities is also a challenge, especially when such data should cross the borders. The Visegrad 4 countries started an exemplary cooperation under the name of Central European Cyber Security Platform or CECSP a few years ago that can serve as a case study for similar multilateral initiatives. In this paper, we present the history of this cooperation, the actual achievements and difficulties in practice. Besides the literature review, we also highlight our thoughts of from the practitioners’ approach as we are participating in the daily operative collaboration. Based on the findings we propose some steps how these countries should go beyond the actual results.

How to Cite

Tikos, Anita, and Csaba Krasznay. 2022. “Cybersecurity in the V4 Countries – A Cross-Border Case Study”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 335 (March):163-74.


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