Impacts of computerization and digitization: some health issues

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Published Jul 15, 2020
László Berényi Péter László Sasvári


Computerization and digitization are effects and the engines of development at the same time. Computers surround both work activities and beyond. There are several benefits available, including the faster, easier, and cheaper way of managing our tasks. However, there are undesirable health impacts to consider, but these are less pronounced. Exploring these impacts and preventing the occurrence is essential for improving the efficiency of computerization.

The study focuses on the effects of computer work by analyzing its exhausting characteristics and the tiredness or pain in different body parts. The research method uses a survey of full-time and parttime higher education students. The sample consists of 200 randomly selected responses collected between 2018 and 2019. It allows analyzing the differences of perceptions between respondents with and without job experience. Beyond descriptive statistics, ANOVA and correlation analysis was conducted for exploring the relations. Data analysis was supported by IBM SPSS version 25.

The results show that the perceived undesirable health impacts are timeless and ageless. Eye-related problems, as well as back and shoulder, are considered the most critical by the respondents. The main implication of the study is that more attention must be paid to the field, appearing in regulations and developing training programs for computer users. The results presented in this paper aim to highlight the importance of the prevention of harmful symptoms of computer work, which are not in the mainstream right now.

How to Cite

Berényi, László, and Péter László Sasvári. 2020. “Impacts of Computerization and Digitization: Some Health Issues”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 338 (July):231-42.


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