Regulation of the Use of Administrative Data in Hungary

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Published Mar 17, 2022
Veronika Nagy-Takács László Berényi


Although the public administration’s monopoly position in data management has become less dominant along with the changes in the data-driven economy’s utilization patterns, a prominent role has remained. Beyond the fact that public administration has to collect and manage specific data due to legal obligations, the utilization possibilities are broader. The amount and structure of data collected allow service-oriented support of the economy and society.

Historical development influences the actual areas of data management. Continuous learning is to observe the data analysis methods and the regulatory system in line with the needs of practical applications, the regulatory and supervisory organizational environment, or the technological background.

Along with following the guidelines and rules of the European Union in developing the legal background of public data management, exploiting the local opportunities must have a high emphasis. This is a broad topic, including the effectiveness and efficiency of data management processes within the affected organizations. Historical and territorial lessons learned can promote achieving these expectations.

The paper gives an overview of the historical development of data management and its organizational support in Hungary. A critical evaluation of the recent regulation establishes finding the essential focal points of future development.

How to Cite

Nagy-Takács, Veronika, and László Berényi. 2022. “Regulation of the Use of Administrative Data in Hungary”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 341 (March):173-84.


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