Beendigungsphase in der personzentrierten Kinder- und Jugendpsychotherapie

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Published Nov 1, 2012
Dorothea Hüsson


Ending phase in person-centered therapy with children and adolescents. How to realize the ending phase of therapy successfully was up to now a rather disregarded subject of psychotherapeutic reflection. Especially in psychotherapy with children and adolescents the ending phase has to be well considered and well performed, because more and more children and young people are already confronted with their very painful and menacing experiences of separation in their own families. Theories of attachment and the person-centered approach are able to increase the significance and the comprehension for this last phase of psychotherapy. Self-reflection and the perception of concrete indications facilitate for the therapeutic person the introducing of the ending phase with the person-centered approach in order to contribute to a successful finish of therapy. Creative suggestions illustrate the successful realization of the ending phase.

How to Cite

Hüsson, Dorothea. 2012. “Beendigungsphase in Der Personzentrierten Kinder- Und Jugendpsychotherapie”. PERSON 16 (2):121-29.


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ending phase, theories of attachment, finish of therapy, fully functioning person
