Ein praktischer spiritueller Weg: Das Persönliche, das Beruf liche und das Gesellschaftliche verbinden.

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Published Nov 1, 2013
Gill Wyatt


A Practical Spiritual Path: Connecting the Personal, the Professional and the Societal. The meaning of spirituality is introduced followed by an exploration of the significance of worldviews. The holistic interconnected worldview shows how relational qualities shape our participation and co-creates the world. In this interconnected world a practical spiritual path connects the personal, the professional and the societal. I suggest living a practical spiritual life is a development of Rogers’ „way of being“ where there is an intention, moment by moment, to live the relational qualities of Rogers’ conditions, which are growth enhancing in all aspects of life. A personal experience provides an illustration. The role of congruence and heart coherence facilitates the ability to develop relational qualities that enhance all life. The intensification of global challenges facing the world provides a strong invitation to person-centred psychotherapists to embrace Rogers’ way of being in all aspects of their lives as a practical spiritual path. By extending our circle of identity to include all, we become part of the evolutionary opportunity.

How to Cite

Wyatt, Gill. 2013. “ Das Beruf Liche Und Das Gesellschaftliche Verbinden”. PERSON 17 (2):130-38. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v17i2.2591.


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Practical spiritual path, interconnected worldview, relational qualities, participation, heart coherence, global challenges, circle of identity, evolutionary opportunity
