Aktualisierungstendenz und Destruktivität Zur Kritik der anthropologischen Grundannahmen im Personzentrierten Ansatz
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Actualizing tendency and destructiveness. Critical review of the fundamental anthropological assumptions of the Person-Centered Approach (PCA). Acknowledging the need to explain the phenomenon of human destructiveness, we examine the fundamental anthropological assumptions of the Person-Centered Approach (PCA), particularly the positive connotations of the actualizing tendency as it manifests itself under favourable conditions. Evident discrepancies and inarticulateness are worked out. In order to develop a broader understanding, it is referred to other approaches such as Existential Psychotherapy (Rollo May), Humanistic Psychoanalysis (Erich Fromm) and Philosophical Anthropology (Helmuth Plessner).
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Actualizing tendency, anthropology, destructiveness, “good” and “evil”, Carl Rogers, Rollo May, Erich Fromm, Helmuth Plessner