Dialogische Selbsttheorie: Geschichte, primäre Konzepte und ihre Bedeutung für die Psychotherapie

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Published May 1, 2018
Hubert J.M. Hermans


Dialogical Self Theory: History, main concepts, and implications for psychotherapy. Since its inception in the beginning of the 1990’s, Dialogical Self Theory has found its way in a diversity of fields. It has been applied in education, culture, novelistic literature, psychopathology, counseling, and psychotherapy. In the present article, it is my purpose to expose the origin of the theory, its main concepts, and its implications for psychotherapy. After an exposition of the theory, some practical therapeutic implications will be provided, illustrated by the case of an actual client.

How to Cite

Hermans, Hubert J.M. 2018. “Dialogische Selbsttheorie:: Geschichte, primäre Konzepte Und Ihre Bedeutung für Die Psychotherapie”. PERSON 22 (1):5-12. https://doi.org/10.24989/person.v22i1.2446.


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Dialogical self, inner self, outer self, I-position, meta-position, theory of self
