Der Personzentrierte Ansatz im Bereich migrationstypischer Spannungsfelder

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Published Nov 1, 2018
Matthias Barth


The person-centred approach in the domain of frequent migration-related fields of tension. The leading question concerns resources of the person-centred approach in psychotherapeutic work with clients having a background of migration. First, some commonly relevant fields of tension are outlined, such as value conflicts or uncertainties of identity between diverging lifeworlds. Based on theoretical reflections and practical references it is emphasised that a special strength of the pca is its unthreatening and confidencebuilding attitude and relation, which encourages stability and provides a solid ground for an integrative processing of experience. The empathetic comprehension of the clients’ frame of reference, being shaped by various cultural conditions, facilitates adjusting and modifying of attitudes and self-concepts — not simply as an adaptive performance, but in a sense of widening the latitude in experience and behaviour. Furthermore some practical-methodical issues in this domain of work are addressed. Overall the person-centred approach is described as very suitable for responding to migration related strains, regardless of whether those emerge in the centre of therapy or just as side issues within the context of other treatment areas.

How to Cite

Barth, Matthias. 2018. “Der Personzentrierte Ansatz Im Bereich Migrationstypischer Spannungsfelder”. PERSON 22 (2):83-88.


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Migration, integration, safe relation, value conflicts, inner frame of reference, self-concept, parts of personality
