Smart Infrastructures for Rural Areas - Best Practices and Suggested Actions for Moldova

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Published Mar 17, 2022
Anatolie Babin Sergiu Tutunaru Ion Cavalenco Ecaterina Babina


Our research is devoted to stimulating the processes of adaptation of digital innovative concepts of "Smart Village" and the operation of smart infrastructure - spatial data, in order to contribute in rural economic development and improve economic situation in rural area. In paper we describes the potential for achieving synergy in rural areas, between the projects of the programs «National Fund for Regional Development» and «National Research and Development Program» (2020-2023), through the implementation of ArcGIS - ESRI best practices and approaches to ICT adoption based on programmatic approach. Finally, our research is devoted to the recommended activities proposed to public local authorities and to local initiative groups for the digital transformation of rural villages in Moldova. This article will discuss about these issues providing examples of good practices founded in the world.

How to Cite

Babin, Anatolie, Sergiu Tutunaru, Ion Cavalenco, and Ecaterina Babina. 2022. “Smart Infrastructures for Rural Areas - Best Practices and Suggested Actions for Moldova”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 341 (March):127-37.


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