Research ethics: Realities and perspectives (the case of the Republic of Moldova)

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Published Mar 17, 2022
Aliona Onofrei Olga Duhlicher


Every scientific research activity involves responsibility on several levels: scientific, moral, social, political, etc. The researcher conducting a research is directly responsible for the results of the research. The central element of any ethics of scientific research activity is the researcher's responsibility towards his work, but above all the results of the scientific activity. The researcher must justify the research, justify the usefulness and validity of the results obtained, try to bring a benefit to society through his research. In view of these aspects, any scientific research should be subject to moral censorship.

In this context, this article aims to present the current situation in the field of ethics and deontology of scientific research in the Republic of Moldova, identifying the progress made by the country in this respect, the existing deficiencies in the field, as well as designing the solutions for the identified problems.

How to Cite

Onofrei, Aliona, and Olga Duhlicher. 2022. “Research Ethics: Realities and Perspectives (the Case of the Republic of Moldova)”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 335 (March):427-38.


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