The hashtag as a tool to set up a governmental agenda

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Published Mar 17, 2022
Stefanía Agila Ruano


ICTs are accelerators and amplifiers of change. They are redefining how we interact with each other and the world around us, a specific application is social media, which facilitate real-time communications, data exchange and immediate feedback by institutions to stakeholders and viceversa. In order to apply the principle of inclusiveness, the current Ecuadorian administration, with 18 months in the power, has adopted the slogan "the government of all" to spread their activities through the public administration institutions. One of its main communication channels is social media through the microblogging platform of Twitter. Where public institutions and political leaders are sharing their daily activities through posts, videos, images and so on.

The main purpose of this paper is to identify in Twitter during the period of 30 days (October 2018) how often is used the hashtag #ElGobiernoDeTodos (translation, The government of All) for which Ecuadorian institutions, in what contexts, and in what type of themes. As well as recognize if there are persistent themes into the analyzed posts to assume whether there is an agenda through that or it is just an individual effort from every institution to fulfill their communications need for sharing information.

How to Cite

Ruano, Stefanía Agila. 2022. “The Hashtag As a Tool to Set up a Governmental Agenda”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 335 (March):369-75.


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hashtag, social media, Twitter
