Influence of the economic gap on the level of e-Government in the developing countries – Republic of Moldova

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Published Mar 17, 2022
Mihai Grecu Ion Dicusar


The digital divide of developing countries vis-à-vis developed countries is also reflected in the level of e-Government development. Developing countries face the challenges of e-Government with fewer capacities and resources but also strong incentives for growth prospects.

Developing e-Government as a complex phenomenon involves multidisciplinary efforts: the development of electronic communications infrastructures and data infrastructures, the transformation of internal business-processes of governance, increased democracy and education, as well as a sustained economic level, etc.

The research analyzes the level of e-Government development in the Republic of Moldova in a regional context of a group of developing countries in an attempt to find particularities and similarities in the evolution of e-Governance in this space and to identify the development potential and opportunities and to overcome the gap in this area.

The study also addresses the prospect of alignment with European standards on e-government development, especially with regard to the single digital market, the European Interoperability Framework and others, as levers and drivers for increasing the socio-economic level of the Republic of Moldova, and building an open, participative and performing government.

How to Cite

Grecu, Mihai, and Ion Dicusar. 2022. “Influence of the Economic Gap on the Level of E-Government in the Developing Countries – Republic of Moldova”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 335 (March):261-70.


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