Usability of digitized citizens' services A heuristic evaluation based on experiences with usability labs within the implementation of the German online access act

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Published Jul 15, 2020
Laura Stasch Anna Steidle


Germany's public administrations must go digital by law till 2022. The German Online Access Act (our translation for “Onlinezugangsgesetz”, OZG) forces most services offered by public administration on federal, federal state and municipal level to become digitized. For most of these services still being paper-based and Germany not being one of the leaders in e- government according to many sources, the question of user acceptance arises. For answering the question whether the approach used in the digitalization labs leads to the development of digital public services that are accepted by future users, we conducted a heuristic evaluation of a prototype that was developed within the implementation of the OZG. The paper describes the setting, the test undertaken and the outcome and concludes with an estimate, whether the huge paradigm change towards the development of digital public services that are accepted by future users will be successful or not.

How to Cite

Stasch, Laura, and Anna Steidle. 2020. “Usability of Digitized citizens’ Services: A Heuristic Evaluation Based on Experiences With Usability Labs Within the Implementation of the German Online Access Act”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 338 (July):103-9.


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