Public Research and Innovation Infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova: Challenges and Opportunities

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Published Jul 11, 2018
Igor Cojocaru Alfreda Rosca Andrej Rusu Mihail Guzun


Currently the science and innovation area of the Republic of Moldova is undergoing an extensive process of transformation aiming to increase the effectiveness, to facilitate the inclusion of national science into the ERA. Taking into account that the European integration is a major priority for the Republic of Moldova, the public research and innovation sector should comply with the best European and international practices. In this regard, the Republic of Moldova developed Research Strategy till 2020 that provides enhancing the quality and efficiency of administrative processes for implementation of the best innovative measures aiming at the development of human, institutional and infrastructure capabilities. In actual conditions, it is important to align with the European practices, in special with the policies promoted by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), which has a key role in policy-making on research infrastructures in Europe, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) – a cloud for research data in Europe, background, policy information, events and publications, ERRIS (Engage in the Romanian Research Infrastructures System) - platform for research infrastructures, research & technological services, etc. Nowadays, for science and innovation area of the Republic of Moldova is necessary to build tools for fostering the continuous dialogue between science, Government, society, stimulating the private sector access to research infrastructure, scientific laboratories and results, creating the appropriate conditions for facilitation the process of actual challenges turning into opportunities.

How to Cite

Cojocaru, Igor, Alfreda Rosca, Andrej Rusu, and Mihail Guzun. 2018. “Public Research and Innovation Infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova: Challenges and Opportunities”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 331 (July):421-30.


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