The best practices of online presidential communication in democratic states Romania, Republic of Moldova and Russian Federation

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Published Mar 1, 2018
Liliana Rusu


The Presidential Communication is defined as the dissemination, by the president or the presidential institution, of the public or national interest information. The interactive model, with its connotation of public deliberation renovated form, is the most egalitarian and democratic model of presidential political communication.

Currently, in most European democratic states, the "true public deliberation" is favored by political websites which allow the two-way communication and the three-way communication. Among the most interactive elements of the websites the researchers have identified the following: active email to political leader or contact forms, e-subscriptions, forums, site search engine.

Presidency website is the main form of new media involved in the presidential political communication of the Republic of Moldova. Mapping the website, content analysis, interpretation of results - are the methods which have been used for the purposes to assess the effectiveness of communication between Head of State and citizens from the online environment. Contrastive analysis of new media, applied for the presidential communication by Nicolae Timofti, Klaus Iohannis, Vladimir Putin, has served to determine the best practices and to develop recommendations for optimizing online presidential communication of the Republic of Moldova.

How to Cite

Rusu, Liliana. 2018. “The Best Practices of Online Presidential Communication in Democratic States Romania, Republic of Moldova and Russian Federation”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 325 (March):525-32.


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presidential communication, new media, interactivity, public deliberation, democracy
