May the advanced biometric electronic signature be applicable in public administration?

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Published Feb 14, 2018
Sándor P. Bartók Péter Máté Erdősi


Electronic signature is a technology-neutral collective noun. Therefore, several different implementations compose the known types of electronic signatures. Many classifications may be defined, for instance from technological and legal aspects. In reference to acceptability, legal status of a given signature seems to be the most important attribute for transaction partners in the e-Administration. Full probative force is usually required by Public Administration and it is also a need for building trust between untrusted partners. It can be achieved by the well-known qualified electronic signature. The qualified signature creation method requires a secure qualified electronic signature creation device and qualified certificate, although in many cases a simpler but still secure signature is also able to fulfil legal requirements ensuring the validity of transactions. On the citizen side, device dependency and relating costs were considered the major obstacles against overall usage of electronic signature technology between 2005 and 2015. Our paper intends to argue that creating advanced electronic signature is not impossible by using the signatory's biometric data and it may also be an optionally client-friendly, but not a device-free part of the e-Administration, beside the citizen card.

How to Cite

Bartók, Sándor P., and Péter Máté Erdősi. 2018. “May the Advanced Biometric Electronic Signature Be Applicable in Public Administration?”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 325 (February):455-62.


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