E-Cohesion: E-Solutions in the implementation of combined financial instruments

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Published Feb 14, 2018
Györgyi Nyikos Szilvia Hajdu Tamás Laposa


Europe is facing an investment gap and the so-called financial instruments seem to be one of the solutions. They invest public sources on a repayable basis with a revolving character, which allows for a much greater efficiency in the allocation of public capital and the long-term sustainability of public investment. Policymakers see considerable value in supporting the further development of FIs and their use in both existing and new policy-related areas of activity3. The combined-credit is a unique financial development tool where credit and non-repayable assistance can be requested within a single financial product. [10,13]

The paper analyses the Hungarian practice using this special financial instrument with the application of information technology, both looking at the empirical evidences and seeking for an answer to the question, whether the combined utilization of financial instruments and grants is effective, useful or not, and how the different IT solutions could affect the efficiency of this financial product.

It is argued in this paper that the utilization of information technology can significantly improve the effectiveness of using financial instruments. This paper has three main aims: first, to review the legislation and the approach of Member States on the utilization of financial instruments; second, to analyse current and previous forms of IT support and their impact on the efficient utilization of the above instruments; third, to make proposals for further research on the e-government-based utilization of financial instruments.

How to Cite

Nyikos, Györgyi, Szilvia Hajdu, and Tamás Laposa. 2018. “E-Cohesion: E-Solutions in the Implementation of Combined Financial Instruments”. Central and Eastern European EDem and EGov Days 325 (February):437-52. https://doi.org/10.24989/ocg.v325.36.


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financial instrument, combined-credit
